
TLDR; If you host with Retro Rocket, then YES! On average 39 hacks take place per second, so is your website secure? Here are some steps you can follow to ensure your website is secure.

The following steps can be taken to prevent hackers, bugs, bots and many more from taking advantage of your website.

Install SSL

A SSL (Secure Socket Layer) certificate is a strong first step. This ensures that the traffic between a computer and your website is encrypted. Without this a hacker can exploit the traffic and extract sensitive information. An example is when someone logs in – the username and password is sent from the browser to the website. Without a SSL certificate the username and password would be displayed in plain text.

Password Strength

12345 and password are terrible passwords. So do dates, names and any combination thereof. This is because common passwords are easy to crack and passwords that follow a common pattern can be figured out using social engineering. Having a short password isn’t a smart idea either – the security standard is length over complexity. A suggestion is to make your password a sentence. eg. Retr0RocketIsTheMostSecureHost!ngProvider! – Yeah! That will do it!

Stay Current

Keeping your website up-to-date is key. As technology advances, so do security practices, and updates will prevent hackers from exploiting these flaws. Updating your website will also get rid of bugs and glitches in your website.

Backup, Backup, Backup

Never forget the 3 B’s… Backup, backup, backup.

A backup of your website is your most reliable fail safe for a worst case scenario. If anything goes wrong this is the most effective way to ensure you can recover as soon as possible.

At Retro Rocket we do all the above and much, much more, so our customers can sleep peacefully knowing that their websites are safe and secure.

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