Do you want free hosting? Sure you do. Keep reading to find out how.
Retro Rocket prides itself at putting the customer first, offering a premium product, at an affordable rate. We do so by offering simple, efficient and effective products. Retro Rocket wants to offer this for free.
“How?” You may ask. Simple… Refer someone to Retro Rocket and get a month free in return. As simple as 1-2-3. What does free mean? Well… Zero, nill, mahala, a 100% discount.
By now, you might be thinking “What is the catch?”. None, really… Everytime Retro Rocket secures a customer we ask if the customer was referenced. If we find out that was you, then your next month is free.
So, what are you waiting for? Get the word out. Let everyone know Retro Rocket is ready to launch their digital footprint today.